Monday, November 17, 2008


Serpukhov is a lovely little suburb of Moscow. I went there with a few friends a couple of weeks ago and it was lovely. We just walked around and looked at stuff. Here are some pictures:

This is just a nice little street.

This is just a nice little painting on a gate. It made us laugh.

Sasha? Help me out here. This is the entrance to an old monastery, I think?

I desperately wanted to explore the insides of this building. I can't remember if this was an old church or if it was an old part of the monastery wall...Sasha?

A nice monastery with a nice wall...

Fact: I should really start putting pictures up sooner before I forget all the details.


Anonymous said...

The first picture is the gateway to Crucifixion Monastery and the second one is the bell tower/church/gateway on the other side of the monastery. The last picture is of Vysotsky Men's Monastery.

Shwalizabeth said...

Thank you. I knew you'd help.

Anonymous said...

No prob bob.